Config file properties

The Coach Installer now has a config.ps1 file that can be customized to meet the needs of Qualtrak partners for easier and efficient Coach install process.

The properties in the config.ps1 file should only be used where needed. Where they are not used, they will be ignored during the install.

Microsoft Powershell coding notation is used for editing the config.ps1 script file.


General Coach Installer properties.

Install Path

The install path for Coach Installer. Some development work outstanding so please do not change Default Value!

Property Name



Single quoted string with standard Windows path notation e.g. c:\.

Default Value

Depending on system type:

  • 'C:\Program Files' [x86]
  • 'C:\Program Files (x86)' [x64]

Log Level

Sets logging level for a Coach logging.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Possible values: 'Error', 'Information', 'Debug', 'Verbose'.

Default Value



Whether SSL should be enabled or not.

Property Name



Boolean value: $true or $false.

Default Value


Coach System Administrator Username

Sets the Coach System Administrator username. This is only required for a first-time installation. Where Coach is being upgraded the System Admininstrator Username value will be ignored.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value


Scheduler Trigger Time

The time of day that the Coach Scheduler Service will run. Accepts 24 hour clock time.

Property Name



Single quoted string that represents time form '00:00' to '23:59'. Please make sure to use leading zero time format e.g. 01:30!

Default Value


Install Instrumentation

Whether Coach Instrumentation will be installed. Don’t use Coach Instrumentation property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Boolean value: $true or $false.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!


Internet Information Services (IIS) specific properties.

Application Pool Name

The name of IIS Application Pool that Coach will be added to.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

'ASP.NET 4.0'

IIS Web Site Name

The IIS Web Site Name that Coach Web Application will be part of.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

'Default Web Site'

Web Application Name

The Coach Web Application Name, that will be then used for main Coach URL, e.g. if name is set to “test”, URL will be: This can be left as Default Value Coach but can be modified to fit with branding requirements.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value



The Coach SQL Server Database properties.

Database Instance Name

The SQL Server Database Instance or Server name for where Coach database will be installed. Use this property if the Instance name is not changing, but if the Instance name does need to be changed then use Qualtrak Coach Installer parameter -DbSrv with instance/server name.

Property Name:



Single quoted string. Any valid SQL Server named instance or server name.

Default Value


Database Login Name (User)

The SQL Server Database Login name (Db User) needed for Coach database and scripts to run and install properly. The Login name must have sysadmin role in SQL Server Server Roles. Use this property if the same login name is used for all deployments, otherwise use Qualtrak Coach Installer parameter -DbUsr with login name. This value is only persisted here in config.ps1 as it is only needed for installation session. If persisting to config.ps1 is a problem then use Qualtrak Coach Installer parameter -DbUsr instead.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value



The ASP.NET web.config properties currently for <appSettings>, <machineKey> and <authentication>.

Authentication Route

Used to mark that Coach integration Authentication Route will be through a URL query string. It will add to the Coach web.config in <appSettings> element new setting with key AuthenticationRoute with value url. Don’t use Authentication Route property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Machine Validation Key

Sets the custom Machine Validation SHA1 Key to Coach web.config <machineKey> element. Don’t use Machine Validation Key property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted SHA1 string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Machine Decription Key

Sets the custom Machine Decryption AES Key to Coach web.config <machineKey> element. Don’t use Machine Validation Key property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted AES string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Authentication Forms Name

Sets the custom Forms Name attribute to Coach web.config <forms> element. Don’t use Authentication Forms Name property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Authentication Forms Domain

Sets the custom Forms Domain attribute to Coach web.config <forms> element. Don’t use Authentication Forms Domain property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Windows Authentication

Enables Windows Authentication in Coach. If Windows Authentication is not needed don’t include any of its properties in config.ps1.

Windows Authentication

Enables Windows Authentication in Coach. This also requires the Active Directory Group Name property to be set. Don’t use Windows Authentication property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Boolean value: $true or $false.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!

Active Directory Group Name

Sets the custom Active Directory group name. Don’t use Active Directory Group Name property in config.ps1, if it is not needed!

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value

Instead of default value don’t use this property in config.ps1!


Recorder specific properties for IP address and database connection details.

Recorder IP Address

The IP address of the Recorder that Coach will integrate with. Use this property if the same Recorder IP address is used for all deployments. If not, then use Qualtrak Coach Installer parameter -RecorderIP with valid IP address.

Property Name



Single quoted string as valid IP address.

Default Value


Recorder Database Instance Name

The Database instance name that the Recorder uses for persisting recordings.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Default Value


Recorder Database Login Name

The Database login (user) name that the Recorder uses for persisting recordings.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

Recorder Database Login Password

The Database login (user) password that the Recorder uses for persisting recordings.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

HA (High Availability)

HA specific properties currently for ASP.NET Identity/Shared Folder, ASP.NET Session State and Database.


HA properties are included in all config files, except config.db.ps1, but commented out by default.


To setup HA:

  • ASP.NET Identity and Shared Folder: it is required to set values for File share Username, Password and Path. If not. it will not be applied!
  • ASP.NET Session State: State Server: it is required to set values for Session State mode (as StateServer), IP address and port. If not, it will not be applied!
  • ASP.NET Session State: SQL Server: it is required to set values for Session State mode (as ‘SQLServer’), SQL Server IP address and SQL Server Failover Partner IP address.
  • Datbase: it is required to set values for SQL Server IP address and SQL Server Failover Partner IP address.

ASP.NET Identity and Shared Folder

File share Username

The File share username used for Coach attachments folder on server as ASP.NET Identity.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

File share Password

The File share password used for Coach attachments folder on server as ASP.NET Identity.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

File share Path

The File share path used for Coach attachments folder on server.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

ASP.NET Session State

Session State Mode

The ASP.NET session state mode, supported is both StateServer and SqlServer ASP.NET Session State mode.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Supported values: 'StateServer, 'SqlServer'.

Default Value


ASP.NET Session State: State Server

Session State IP address

The ASP.NET Session State Server IP address.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Valid IP address or DNS name.

Session State Port

The ASP.NET Session State IP address Port.

Property Name



Integer value. Greater than zero (0).

Default Value


Database & ASP.NET Session State: SQL Server

SQL Server IP address

The SQL Server IP address.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Valid IP address or DNS name.

SQL Server Catalog (Db)

The SQL Server Catalog/Db if session state for Sql Server should be different from default Coach Db. Use this property option when Session State for Sql Server should have different DB than default Coach Db.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

SQL Server User ID (Login)

The SQL Server Userd ID (Sql Server login) for given Catalog/Db if session state for Sql Server should be different from default Coach Db. Use this property option when Session State for Sql Server should have different DB than default Coach Db.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

SQL Server Password

The SQL Server Userd ID (Sql Server login) password for given Catalog/Db if session state for Sql Server should be different from default Coach Db. Use this property option when Session State for Sql Server should have different DB than default Coach Db.

Property Name



Single quoted string.

SQL Server Failover Partner IP address

The SQL Server Failover Partner IP address.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Valid IP address or DNS name.

TLM (Tenant and Licensing management & real-time Monitoring)

TLM (Coach Tenant and License Management) properties that will set up the URI of TLM.


Available in config.ps1 and in config.tlm.ps1.

TLM IP address

TLM (Tenant and Licensing management & real-time Monitoring) IP address. Port for IP address is set from property StartingPort and it is usually one number higher StartingPort, e.g. if StartingPort is 9000 the TLM IP address port will be 9001.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Valid IP address or DNS name.

Default Value


Akka Coach Seed

Akka Coach seed specific properties. Where seed node list is used in all Coach Akka Win Services. Available in all configs except config.db.ps1, for seed nodes list and starting port, and Public IP address available only in HA installation.

Seed Public IP address

Coach Akka Seed IP address. Only applicable for HA installations. Port is used from property StartingPort but it is only used when it is a HA installation. For non-HA installation port 0 is used.

Property Name



Single quoted string. Valid IP address or DNS name.

Starting Port

Port for Coach Akka Seed IP address and TLM IP address. In non-HA installation used only for TLM IP address port, in HA installation can be used with installer switch -StartingPort to apply sliding ports on multiple VM’s since port must be unique on multiple VM’s for same Seed Public IP address.

Property Name



Integer value. Greater than zero (0).

Default Value


Seed Nodes list

List of multiple Coach Akka seed nodes.

Property Name



Powrshell array @() of single quoted string and comma separated. [IP|DNS]:Port format.

Default Value
